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我是Lily Chen.加拿大McGill University語言教育碩士
希望能藉由應用語言學的知識,讓更多人成為自信的bilingual (雙語者)
00:00 前言
01:13 1. What brings you here today?
01:52 2. What are you doing in New York?
03:03 3. Who are you meeting?
03:36 4. Are you flying stand by?
04:37 5. When was the last time you were here in the United States?
05:31 6. What’s your job?
06:34 7. How long do you plan to stay here in the United States?
07:02 8. Any food you’re bringing with you today?
07:11 9. How much cash are you traveling with?
07:36 原音重現完整對話