在過去 10 年內持有加拿大或美國旅遊簽證的合資格菲律賓人現在可以免簽證前往加拿大。
Eligible Filipinos who have a tourist visa to Canada or the USA in the past 10 years may now travel to Canada Visa free.
2023 年 6 月 8 日,特快通道邀請 667 名幸運兒申請永久居留權。綜合排名最低分(CRS)為 486 分,比 上次抽選之488 分只下降了 2 分。
在過去 10 年內持有加拿大或美國旅遊簽證的合資格菲律賓人現在可以免簽證前往加拿大。
外國培訓工程師的發證機構安大略省專業工程師將加拿大工作經驗從 24 個月減少到 12 個月。受過外國培訓的工程師新移民現在可以更快地成為安大略省持牌工程師。
On June 08, 2023, Express Entry invited 4800 candidates to apply for permanent residency. The lowest Comprehensive Ranking Score (CRS) is 486, a 2-points decrease from the last draw of 791 on May 24, 2023.
Eligible Filipinos who have a tourist visa to Canada or the USA in the past 10 years may now travel to Canada Visa free.
Professional Engineers Ontario, the licensing body for foreign trained engineers reduced the Canadian working experience from 24 months to 12 months. New immigrants who are foreign trained engineers can now become Ontario licensed engineers faster.
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Contact Halcyon Counsel to find out more about this and other programmes that could help you start a new life in Canada.