小貼士:這部系列影片終於剪完啦~ 好多朋友都在問我們到底花了多少錢?所以!!! 將將將將,單獨剪了這部影片跟大家分享,究竟美國8天7夜,一路從拉斯維加斯、大峽谷、馬蹄灣、羚羊谷、洛杉磯、環球影城再回到紐約,要花多少錢?預算怎麼估?全部都跟你們分享啦~~~~~~(撒花🎉
Tips: This series of videos is finally finished~ Many friends are asking how much did we spend? So!!! we make this video separately to share with you, 8 days and 7 nights in the United States, all the way from Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, Antelope Canyon, Los Angeles, Universal Studios and fly back to New York. How much does it cost? How to plan the budget? All of them are shared with you~~~~~~ (flower 🎉
#travel #budget #lasvegas #grandcanyon #antelopes #horseshoebend #losangeles #universalstudios